Expert-led early case assessment (ECA) enhanced by tech drives cost savings and speed



Magic Circle Law Firm



The client was subject to cross-border litigation and the initial review set was more than 800,000 English and Portuguese documents. Due to the complexity of the matter, the scope of the review changed frequently, and additional collections were required. Delays in collections and the availability of documents for review resulted in the client needing to review a large set of documents within an abridged time frame. Due to the need to phase the review sets, the ability to scale up and down at short notice was critical.



A dual shore delivery model.

The Integreon India team reviewed the English documents and an Integreon team in London completed the Portuguese review set. Integreon worked closely with the client and technology partner to implement an active learning workflow to reduce the review set and save time and cost.



Bi-weekly releases from Integreon’s dual shore review teams allowed the client to conduct their second-level review
concurrently to the first level workflow so that production timelines could be met.

Implementing a dual shore workflow and Continuous Active Learning (CAL) process resulted in the client achieving a cost savings of approximately 65%.